Frequently Asked Questions

  • We only service ebikes with all of the following specifications:

    1) It has operable pedals. This means it can be propelled like a traditional bicycle if the electronic assistance is turned off.

    2) Has a pedal assist mode where electronic assistance is turned on and off when the rider starts and stops pedaling.

    3) Will assist no faster than 28 mph.

    Anything beyond that is getting beyond what a bicycle is, and is becoming more of a motorized vehicle. We do not have the expertise nor the insurance to deal with those.

  • We can do mechanical service on any brand of bicycle or ebike. Please see our page on electrical service if you are having electrical problems with your ebike.

  • The actual time it will take to complete a repair may be longer than the hourly charge. As the sole worker of the business I may get interrupted with a phone call or other business matters. To ensure the best quality of service it may take a little extra time, but you will not pay the hourly rate for time I spend away from your bicycle.

  • No. Long Haul eBike Repair only services bicycles and electric assist bicycles up to class 3. If your eBike can assist you faster than 28 mph we cannot service it. We do not service anything with a combustion engine.

  • Yes! There may be additional labor for such bikes or trikes because they usually take more time to work on. We also may need a space to work on it near the repair truck, as it may not fit inside. This could be a driveway if the weather is nice, or a garage for example.

  • Absolutely! I have some clients that can open the garage from their phone, they let me in to grab their bicycle when I arrive and open it again once the service is finished. (I will need to get your credit card numbers over the phone to collect payment)

    Or if you bring, or ride, your bicycle to work I can come to your place of work and perform the service there, as long as there is somewhere for me to park my truck.

  • Unfortunately no. Long Haul is a strictly mobile business and charges as such. There is only one truck fee per trip, so you can split up a truck fee with some friends and have Long Haul service all your bicycles at one location.

  • Yes, just make sure we are at a place where you can spend a couple of hours if needed.

  • No, unfortunately boxing bicycles is not a service we can offer. Most brick-and-mortar bike shops that regularly order and assemble new bikes are much better set up to do this.

  • Of course! We can do telecommunication for setting up and discussing the repair. We can sanitize all contact points of your bicycle (handlebars, controls, saddle) before handing it back to you, and mask for all in-person interactions upon request at no additional cost. We will also do our best to accommodate any other accessibility needs you have.

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